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22nd October 2024 
News and Links. girlsmile

Links to videos, upcoming events books and training materials.

Here are some links to my work and HSP community projects, plus a list of books that you might find useful

Barbara’s HSP events in Hampshire, Cornwall and internationally on this link

Barbara’s videos and podcasts:

The no-nonsense HSP:

Career basics:

Sensitive adolescents (1):

Sensitive adolescents (2):

Highly sensitive children podcast:


Barbara Allen being interviewed by Jennifer Sneeden on setting up a therapy practice on Mentoring support for highly sensitive therapists.

Learn all about high sensitivity in this interview on ‘Real Health Radio’

Posts and videos from Growing Unlimited on Facebook: here

Go HERE for a short arts film including an interview with me about self-care for highly sensitive people.


During 2024 Barbara is concentrating on writing her book, plus some materials for workshops. For this reason, space to offer mentoring, and speaking engagements, are limited to two days per week.  She will be speaking at an HSP Conference in Bologna, Italy on 19th October.


Books that HSPs might find useful:

The Highly Sensitive Person
by Elaine Aron; This is the seminal book about HSPs, which is a mustread for any highly sensitive person. 

The Highly Sensitive Child
by Elaine Aron; This is a must read for anyone raising or working with highly sensitive children. 


The Highly Sensitive Person in Love by Elaine Aron; Succinctly describes the highly sensitive person in intimate relationships with many suggestions for interacting with HSPs and non-HSPs. 


The Highly Sensitive Person’s Workbook by Elaine Aron; Offers specific exercises for reframing your life as an HSP, many suggestions for coping and information on how to start your own HSP discussion group. 


The Strong, Sensitive Boy by Ted Zeff; Help Your Son Become a Happy, Confident Man

The Highly Sensitive Person's Survival Guide
by Ted Zeff; Essential Skills for Living Well in an Over stimulating World 


Highly Sensitive Person's Companion by Ted Zeff; Daily Exercises for Calming Your Senses in an Over stimulating World 


The Artists Way by Julia Cameron; A course in discovering and recovering your creative self


The undervalued self by Elaine Aron; Restore your love/power balance, transform the inner voice that holds you back, find your true self worth


Psychotherapy and the Highly Sensitive Person by Elaine N Aron.  Improving outcomes for that minority of people who are the majority of clients. 


The art of extreme self-care by Cheryl Richardson; Transform your life by gently addressing one personal task at a time.  Insightful and inspiring.  


An adult child’s guide to what’s normal by John and Linda Friel; If you were brought up in a dysfunctional family, how do you know what expectations, feelings and behaviour are normal, in yourself and others?  Help from the ground up, with healing and recovery.


The career guide for creative and unconventional people by Carol Eikelberry;  A helpful guide and inspiring insights for anyone who feels they don’t fit or want the usual career pattern.


The highly sensitive man by Tom Falkenstein:  An up to date, informed and helpful book on SPS and the men who make up half of the HSP population. CBT. 


The highly sensitive parent by Elaine N Aron, PhD.  A wonderful self-help parenting book for the significant number of parents who are unusually attuned to their children


Making work work for the highly sensitive person by Barrie Jaeger.  A comprehensive look at identifiying your skills and gifts as a sensitive person and how to make work-life better for you.

Social Justice for the Sensitive Soul by Dorcas Cheng Tozun.  How we can fulfil and take care of ourselves in the field of social justice and what kinds of roles we might consider in order to make a difference.

Thrive by Tracy Cooper.  The high sensation seeking HSP.  For HSPs who find themselves more attracted to novelty than most.

The rainforest mind by Paula Prober.  For those who have multiple interests and thrive on variety.

Here is a brief interview with Dr Elaine Aron, where she describes some of the joys and challenges that HSPs face - these are among issues discussed on the Introductory Workshops : )